
Web Application

Web Application is a program that uses a web browser to implement various web technologies like PHP, ASP, JavaScript, and HTML to perform numerous tasks such as e-commerce Stores, webmails, and calculators, social media platforms.

Web Development needs a front-end and backend to function seamlessly. Kartoffel provides our clients with the most advanced front-end and backend systems:

Backend System

The backend System is the non-interactable server-side of the website that maintains the storage and arrangement of core data of the web app. Backend language and framework form the core of the backend web application system. Kartoffel uses the most advanced languages and tools to develop the backend system of a web application.

Our Process

Every web app development for our client undergoes a process starting from planning to deployment.


Gather data from the client and know the project’s time frame.

Web Designing

Create a prototype with input provided by the client.

Define Content

The approved prototype is loaded with SEO-friendly content.


We develop the web app to the client’s requirement with the content approved.


Every application undergoes a rigorous testing process to find bugs and provide bug fixes.


Once approved by the client, we deploy the application for public use.

Post-Deployment Maintenance

Our Maintenance team helps quash forthcoming bugs and provides any updates if required.

Backend systems we use

  • PHP
  • JavaScript
  • Node.js
  • Express.js

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor)

Kartoffel is a leading PHP web development company in Chennai, having 7+ years of expertise in developing backends for PHP-based web applications. Our expert PHP web developers build secure, scalable, and advanced PHP based web applications. We have a reputed track record of developing 100+ web applications of diverse domains with varied, complex levels. We provide end-to-end full-stack PHP web application development from initial consultation to deployment and with support and maintenance even post-deployment.


JavaScript is an interpreted compiled programming language used by Kartoffel for front-end and backend systems for web app development due to its Speed, Simplicity and Versatility.


Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment that executes JavaScript code outside a web browser. With Node.js, our developers build web applications with highly secured backend systems. Outsource Node.js based web development applications to Kartoffel and save development costs.


Express.js is a web application backend framework for Node.js that provides robust features for web and mobile applications. We use Express.js to simplify Node.js’s APIs and add new features. Express.js also facilitates the rendering of dynamic HTTP objects.

Frontend System

  • Vue.js
  • HTML5
  • Bootstrap
  • CSS


Vue.js is an open-source front-end JavaScript framework for building user interfaces and single-page applications. Our web application development team use Vue.js to develop user interfaces for web app efficiently.


HTML5, also known as HyperText Markup Language, is a programming language used for presenting content on the World Wide Web(WWW). Kartoffel uses HTML 5 to provide our clients with fast, robust, and adaptable web applications.


Bootstrap is the world’s most famous open-source tool for creating responsive web applications. We use Bootstrap for developing responsive web applications since it is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for front-end web development.


Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are used for adding style elements such as fonts, colours, and spacing to web documents written in a markup language such as HTML.

Web App Development Services

E-commerce Web App Development

With e-commerce web apps, we provide premier digital solutions for customers across the globe with its astounding set of e-commerce solutions.

B2C/B2B E-commerce web apps

With B2C(Business to Customer) and B2B(Business to Business) web app development, we provide our clients with a web app within their e-commerce site with checkout optimisation, custom UI themes, on-site personalisation, content advancements, loyalty and retention tools.

Online marketplaces

Kartoffel is a one-stop solution for our clients to build an online marketplace to migrate their products or services from traditional offline markets to the online environment, paving for a significant increase in their customer base.

Enterprise Web App Development

With various management systems like Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Learning Management Systems (LMS), Recruitment Management Systems (RMS), Order Management Systems (OMS), Content Management Systems (CMS), Product Management Systems (PMS) we provide a complete package of enterprise web app development tailored to match our client’s requirements. We also build custom enterprise web apps for satisfying our client’s specific needs.

Web Portal Development

Kartoffel develops custom Web Portal Development for our clients, specifically for sectors like Education, Hospitals, and Government services with Self-service portals, Customer portals, Vendor portals, Patient portals, Employee portals, eLearning portals, and Community portals.

Healthcare Web App Development

Our healthcare web development services use management systems like Hospital Management Systems (HMS) and Health Management System to provide the end-users with ease in accessing the services provided by clients.
